Innovation Research
Pediatric Innovation
Lee SJ, Cho L, Wall JK, Rensi S, Glisberg B. Quantification of US Food and Drug Administration Pre-market Approval Statements for High-Risk Medical Devices with Pediatric Age Indications, JAMA Network Open.
Wood LS, Chandler JM, Portelli KE, Taylor JS, Kethman WC, Wall JK. Treating Children with Achalasia Using Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM): Twenty-One Cases in Review, Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
Sheth KR, White JT, Puttmann K, Waters D, Soto M, Bell M, Aboufadel T, Heffernan MJ, Richardson E, Song SH, Koh CJ. Quantifying the Forces Needed for Ureteral Stent Removal: Initial Evaluation of Magnetic Stent Removal Devices on Benchtop and Porcine Models, Journal of Pediatric Urology.
Wood LSY, Fuerch JH, Dambkowski CL, Chehab EF, Torres S, Shih JD, Venook R, Wall JK. Novel Neonatal Umbilical Catheter Protection and Stabilization Device in In vitro Model of Catheterized Human Umbilical Cords: Effect of Material and Venting on Bacterial Colonization. American Journal of Perinatology.
Taylor JS, de Ruijter V, Brewster R, Navalgund A, Axelrod L, Axelrod S, Dunn JCY, Wall JK. Cutaneous Patches to Monitor Myoelectric Activity of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Postoperative Pediatric Patients., Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.
Taylor JS, Madhavan S, Szafer D, Pei A, Koppolu R, Barnaby K, Wall JK, Chao SD. Three-Dimensional Optical Imaging for Pectus Excavatum Assessment. Annals of Thoracic Surgery.
Fuerch JH, Sanderson P, Barshi I, Liley H. Developing Safe Devices for Neonatal Care, Seminars in Perinatology.
Sheth KR, Koh CJ. The Future of Robotic Surgery in Pediatric Urology: Upcoming Technology and Evolution Within the Field, Frontiers in Pediatrics.
Kethman WC, Harris AHS., Hawn MT, Wall J. Trends and Surgical Outcomes of Laparoscopic vs. Open Pyloromyotomy in the United States, Surgical Endoscopy.
Taylor JS, Danzer E, Berquist WE, Wall J. Dilation of Esophageal Stricture in a Pediatric Patient Using Functional Lumen Imaging Probe Technology Without the Use of Fluoroscopy, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.
Kethman W. Thorson C, Sinclaire T, Berquist W, Chao S, Wall J. Initial Experience of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Treatment of Achalasia in Children, Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
Shih JD, Wood L Dambkowski CL, Torres S, Chehab E, Venook R, Wall J. An In Vitro Bacterial Surface Migration Assay Underneath Sterile Barrier Material Commonly Found in a Hospital Setting, Journal of Perinatology.
Wood LS, Kastenberg Z, Sinclair T, Chao S, Wall JK. Endoscopic Division of Duodenal Web Causing Near Obstruction in 2-Year-Old with Trisomy 21, Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques.
Wall J, Esquivel M, Bruzoni M, Wright R, Berquist W, Albanese C. Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of a Large Hamartoma in a Young Child, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.
Dambkowski C, Chehab E, Shih J, Venook R, Wall J. In-Vitro Assessment of Bacterial Colonization Rates of Goat Umbilical Cord Segments Using Three Embodiments of a Novel Neonatal Umbilical Catheter Protection Device, BMJ Innovations.
Jamirillo J, Wall J. Salvage of a Failed Open Gastrocutaneous Fistula Repair with an Endoscopic Over-the-Scope Clip, Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports.
Iqbal CW, Wall J, Harrison MR. Challenges and Climate of Business Environment and Resources to Support Pediatric Device Development, Seminars in Pediatric Surgery.
Wall J, Wynne E, Krummel T. Biodesign Process and Culture to Enable Pediatric Medical Technology Innovation, Seminars in Pediatric Surgery.
Wright R, Abrajano C, Koppolu, R, Stevens M, Nyznyck S, Chao S, Bruzoni M, Wall J. Initial Results of Endoscopic Gastrocutaneous Fistula Closure in Children Using an Over the Scope Clip, Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques.
Chao S, Rivas H, Wright R, Russo M, Wall J. Introduction of the Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy Technique to Pediatric Surgical Practice, Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports.
Wright R, Chao S, Wall J. Intraoperative Functional Luminal Imaging to Assess Esophagogastric Junction Distensibility During Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy in Pediatric Patients, Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System.
Wall J, Diana M, Leroy J, DeRuijter V, Gonzales KD, Lindner V, Harrison M, Marescaux J. MAGNAMOSIS IV: Magnet Compression Afor Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery, Endoscopy.
Wall J, Perretta S, Diana M, Dhumane P, Alvar Haro JI, Dallemagne B, Becmeur F, Krummel T, Marescaux J. Submucosal Endoscopic Myotomies for Esophageal Lengthening: A Novel Minimally Invasive Technique with Feasibility Study, European Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
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