Impact1 recognizes the unique market challenges of pediatric and maternal health care and has resources to help.
MCHRI Partnership (for Stanford faculty only)
Stanford’s Maternal & Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI) sponsors up to six Biodesign Faculty Fellows each year. This partnership supports Stanford medicine and engineering faculty through eight months of Biodesign training for healthcare innovators. The program equips the MCHRI faculty fellows with the skills to identify and address the needs of their maternal and pediatric patients through innovation. Past projects of this joint initiative include:
- A tool for restoring amniotic fluid in patients with posterior urethral valve, with minimum risk to the fetus and the mother. Read more.
- A weight control program to help reduce childhood obesity.
- Tools for diagnosing ear infections in pediatric patients.
- Identifying ways to decrease pressure-related injuries in pediatric critical care settings.
Understanding Pediatric Innovation Challenges
Innovation in pediatrics comes with distinctive challenges and extra hurdles. There are many specific anatomical, engineering, ethical, regulatory, and business factors that differ when innovating for adult patients. Learn more by watching the Pediatric Grand Rounds presentation, “Pediatric Medical Device Innovation: It is Not Just About Miniaturizing Adult Devices” by Stanford Biodesign faculty.
Other Resources
Stanford Biodesign has created a number of learning materials to educate future innovators, including a textbook, 300+ videos, and a collection of online supplemental materials at
Read about our pediatric research.