Million+ Patients Helped

Childhood Asthma Tueo Health

Bronwyn Harris

CEO & Co-Founder

Biodesign Innovation Fellow 2014-15

"As both a physician and a mom, I have experienced the challenges of caring for a child with asthma. Asthma is a complex disease with many different triggers and manifestations, and there is currently no reliable, objective way to tell whether the disease is under control or whether your child is on the verge of a flare-up. This makes it particularly frustrating and anxiety-provoking to monitor and care for an asthmatic child. From personal experience, I can say that it sometimes made me feel hopeless and like asthma was controlling my family’s life. 

The good news is that asthma can be controlled! We’ve learned that the drivers of asthma can be measured and mitigated, and many of the signs and symptoms can also be tracked. By pairing these insights with education and support from an asthma educator, families can achieve better asthma control with more symptom-free days.

During our clinical trial, there was one particular family that I got to know well. Their son was nine years old. Prior to using the Tueo service, he was having an asthma exacerbation roughly once a month. In the prior year his flare-ups were so severe that he had been to the emergency room twice and was hospitalized once. His mother was always worried about potential triggers and seemed desperate to avoid more dangerous exacerbations. In the first two months of using the Tueo service, the mom received insights from the analytics and automated, personalized education and support, all of which was augmented by an asthma coach. As a result, not only was she able to better track and control her son’s condition, but she identified a specific trigger in their home [mold]. They eliminated it and were able to adjust his treatment plan with his physician. In the third and final month of the study, the son was completely symptom free, and his mother felt more knowledgeable and empowered to manage his asthma and prevent more flare-ups.

My goals is to give everyone with asthma the tools they need to manage their condition and not let their lives be controlled by asthma!"

Childhood Asthma


“In the third and final month of the study, the son was completely symptom free, and his mother felt more knowledgeable and empowered to manage his asthma and prevent more flare-ups.”

Tueo Health develops digital health solutions for chronic disease management, starting with pediatric asthma. The company leverages machine learning analytics, utilizing outputs from sleep sensors and environmental data, to detect when there is a deviation from baseline, identify potential triggers, and use these insights to implement a comprehensive management program.

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